Technology, Knowledge & Engineering

TKE Beratungsgesellschaft mbH


Our Customers and Partners

We support our customers in the field of high-voltage technology and power supply with our expertise, technical consulting, numerical calculations and engineering services. We are specialists for overhead lines, electrical power systems/switchgear and substations as well as HV cable system technology. Furthermore, we also focus on the condition monitoring for HV equipment, as digitalization is clear trend for the future power system. With more than 30 years of industrial experience we offer you the concentrated competence in technology, material selection, production, quality assurance, test engineering, simulation, application and marketing of components, devices and equipment.

We collaborate closely with universities, high-voltage testing laboratories and material research laboratories, as well as service companies specializing in big data, maschine learning, edge computation and FEM field calculation expertise. 

Our aim is to fulfill our customers' requirements and offer them the optimal solution, taking various aspects into consideration.

Application Engineering

Overhead Lines

  • up to 1100 kV AC 
    1000 kV DC
  • Components
  • Insulator strings
  • Load calculations
  • Insulation performance


Insulation Systems

  • Insulation coordination
  • Pollution performance
  • Long-term insulation endurance
  • Thermal stability
  • Partial discharge characteristics

Condition Monitor-ing for HV Systems

  • Lifetime prediction
  • Fault prediction
  • Big data mining
  • Accelerated edge computation


HV Apparatus and cable systems

  • Seismic calculations
  • Field calculations
  • Thermal and loss calculations
  • Current rating of cable systems
  • UV and IR analysis

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