Our Service

We provide engineering, consulting and inspection/assessment services based on our long-years experiences in the field of high-voltage and energy technology. We focus on problem analysis and development of individual solutions based on the customer's demand. We have strong international expert and supplier network containing test and research laboratories, partners for component supply and marketing/standardisation platforms. 


We listen to your individual problem and propose an adapted solution. We cover the following product applications:

  • HV insulation
  • Monitoring systems
  • OHLs
  • Substations
  • Converter stations
  • HV apparatus
  • HV cable systems
  • Special applications 

Engineering Methods/Tools:

  • Thermal analysis
  • UV inspections
  • Electrical/Mechanical calculation
  • Condition assessment and fault prediction
  • Transient analysis
  • Big data mining and edge computation


We provide the consulting service to your benefit in the following fields:

Electrical Engineering:

  • HV insulation coordination
  • Design review
  • Lectures & seminars


  • IP Management
  • Establishment of new patents
  • Maintaining patents
  • Trademarks


  • IEC / CIGRE working bodies
  • Best practice projects
  • Product placement

Quality Management:

  • Risk assessment (FMEA)
  • Supplier qualification / improvement
  • Failure analysis 
  • Quality planing 
  • Product and process audit
  • QM documentation


  • Strategy development
  • Quality function deployment
  • Innovation management


We support our customers in challenging fields of securing product and system quality and specification compliance. We offer permanent attendance in FAT. Further on we are qualified for supplier in-process audits.


On Site Service

We are able to perform on-site testing by using mobile measurement devices and as well laboratory equipment. For drone flights on high-voltage systems.


  • ESDD/NSDD Measurements
  • DDDG Installations
  • Surface coductivity
  • Insulation resistance measurement
  • HV material test

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